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- Contents
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- Ch 1 − Introduction to Powerbase 5
- -------------------------------- -
- 1.1 Description and installation 5
- 1.1.1 Hardware requirements 5
- 1.1.2 Installation 5
- 1.1.3 Disclaimer 5
- 1.2 Starting and ending a work session 5
- 1.2.1 Loading Powerbase 5
- 1.2.2 Opening a database 6
- 1.2.3 Closing a database 6
- 1.2.4 Quitting Powerbase 6
- 1.3 Obtaining help 6
- 1.3.1 Using the Acorn Help application 6
- 1.3.2 Using the Helpreader text 6
- Ch 2 − Browsing and Editing 7
- --------------------------- -
- 2.1 Subfiles, record numbers and keys 7
- 2.1.1 Subfiles 7
- 2.1.2 Record numbers 7
- 2.1.3 Keys 7
- 2.2 Moving about the database 8
- 2.2.1 Browsing 8
- 2.2.2 Moving to related records 8
- 2.2.3 Changing keys 8
- 2.2.4 Changing subfiles 9
- 2.2.5 Using more than one subfile 9
- 2.2.6 Naming subfiles 9
- 2.3 Searching for a record 9
- 2.3.1 Searching by key 9
- 2.3.2 Searching by record number 10
- 2.3.3 Searching by filter 10
- 2.4 Editing the database − fundamental operations 10
- 2.4.1 Adding new records 10
- 2.4.2 Deleting records 11
- 2.4.3 Altering existing records 11
- 2.4.4 Undoing mistakes 11
- 2.5 Editing the database − special features 11
- 2.5.1 Using a template 11
- 2.5.2 Copying fields 12
- 2.5.3 Copying an entire record 12
- 2.5.4 Choosing the field where editing starts 12
- 2.5.5 Changing many records at once 12
- 2.5.6 Moving or deleting many records at once 13
- 2.5.7 Hiding sensitive data 13
- 2.6 External fields 14
- 2.6.1 Linking files to the fields 14
- 2.6.2 Editing External fields 14
- 2.6.3 Clearing and exporting field contents 14
- 2.6.4 Editing scrollable lists 15
- Ch 3 − Printing from the Database 16
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- 3.1 Output destination 16
- 3.1.1 The Window destination 16
- 3.1.2 The File destination 16
- 3.1.3 The Printer destination 16
- 3.2 Print formats 16
- 3.2.1 Horizontal 17
- 3.2.2 Vertical 17
- 3.2.3 Table 17
- 3.2.4 Label 17
- 3.3 What types of field can be printed? 18
- 3.4 Specifying which fields to print 18
- 3.4.1 Saving print selection files 18
- 3.4.2 Default selection 18
- 3.5 Specifying which records to print 18
- 3.5.1 The construction of search formulae 19
- 3.5.2 Numeric and other special fields in search formulae 21
- 3.5.3 Using “wild-cards” in search formulae 21
- 3.5.4 Comparing the contents of two fields 21
- 3.5.5 Saving search formulae for re-use 21
- 3.6 Query by example 22
- 3.6.1 What is QBE? 22
- 3.6.2 QBE vs SF 22
- 3.7 Other features of the Query panel and Match window 23
- 3.7.1 Printing records from more than one subfile 23
- 3.7.2 Including record number, key and subfile number 23
- 3.8 Marking records for inclusion or exclusion 24
- 3.8.1 Single records 24
- 3.8.2 Groups of records 24
- 3.9 Printing single records 24
- 3.10 The Print options window 24
- 3.10.1 Saving print options files 26
- 3.12 Field analysis reports 26
- 3.13 Subsidiary indices and printing speed 26
- Ch 4 − Creating a New Database 27
- ------------------------------ --
- 4.1 Creating the database application shell 27
- 4.2 Designing the record layout 27
- 4.2.1 Simple field creation 27
- 4.2.2 Deleting, inserting and re-ordering fields. 28
- 4.2.3 Moving and re-sizing the bounding box 28
- 4.2.4 More about tags and descriptors 28
- 4.2.5 Other types of Editable field 29
- 4.2.6 Scrollable lists 29
- 4.2.7 Check-box fields 30
- 4.2.8 External fields 30
- 4.2.9 Computed fields 31
- 4.2.10 Stamp fields 31
- 4.2.11 Button fields 32
- 4.2.12 Mandatory fields 33
- 4.3 A short-cut to a working database 33
- 4.4 Specifying the database size 33
- 4.5 Specifying the primary key 33
- 4.5.1 General procedure 33
- 4.5.2 Some illustrative examples 34
- 4.5.3 Using more than one field in a key 34
- 4.5.4 Other matters concerning keys 35
- 4.6 Building the empty database 35
- 4.7 Renaming a database 35
- Ch 5 − Input Validation and Validation Tables 36
- --------------------------------------------- --
- 5.1 Character validation 36
- 5.2 Validation tables 36
- 5.3 Creating a validation table 37
- 5.4 Linking tables to fields 37
- 5.4.1 The Replace on entry feature 37
- 5.4.2 When to turn off the Exact match switch 37
- 5.5 Displaying validation tables 38
- 5.6 The validation table menu 38
- 5.7 Loading validation tables 39
- 5.8 Including validation table data in printouts 39
- 5.9 Entering validation table data into a record 39
- Ch 6 − Performing Calculations 40
- ------------------------------ --
- 6.1 Calculated fields 40
- 6.1.1 Simple calculations using Numeric fields 40
- 6.1.2 Making calculations retrospective 40
- 6.1.3 Calculations using non-numeric fields (!) 40
- 6.1.4 Calculations involving times 41
- 6.1.5 Calculations involving dates 41
- 6.2 Composite fields 41
- 6.3 User functions 41
- 6.4 Calculations on a column of a report 42
- Ch 7 − Using extra indices 43
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- 7.1 Indexing a field 43
- 7.2 Automatic saving of indices 43
- Ch 8 − Using CSV files 44
- ---------------------- --
- 8.1 What are CSV files? 44
- 8.2 Setting the CSV options 44
- 8.3 Exporting data as a CSV file 45
- 8.3.1 Scrollable lists and CSV files 45
- 8.4 Using CSV files to import data 45
- 8.4.1 Ensuring that the correct options are selected 45
- 8.4.2 Directing imported data to the correct fields 45
- 8.4.3 Importing data from plain text files 46
- 8.4.4 What if the imported data won’t fit? 46
- 8.5 Using CSV files to modify existing records 47
- 8.6 Creating a new, working database from a CSV file 47
- Ch 9 − Mail-Merging with Impression and Ovation 48
- ----------------------------------------------- --
- 9.1 Mail-merging with Ovation 48
- 9.1.1 Preparing an Ovation document for mail-merging 48
- 9.1.2 Merging the data from Powerbase 48
- 9.2 Mail-merging with Impression 48
- 9.2.1 Preparing the Impression document 48
- 9.2.2 Merging the data 49
- 9.3 Mail-merging with other programs 49
- Ch 10 − Utilities 50
- ----------------- --
- 10.1 Changing the Primary Key 50
- 10.2 Adjusting the record format 50
- 10.3 Changing the record format 50
- 10.4 Merging two databases 51
- 10.5 Changing the Database Length 51
- 10.6 Inspecting and balancing index trees 51
- 10.7 Finding duplicate primary keys 51
- Ch 11 − Passwords and related matters 52
- ------------------------------------- --
- 11.1 Levels of protection 52
- 11.1.1 Individual I.D.s and passwords 52
- 11.2 Options selected from the password-setting window 52
- 11.2.1 Duplicate primary keys 53
- 11.3 Logging database changes 53
- Ch 12 − Script Files 54
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- Ch 13 − Subset databases 57
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- 13.1 Creating a subset 57
- 13.2 Using a subset to shorten a database 57
- Ch 14 − Customising Powerbase 58
- ----------------------------- --
- 14.1 Overall control of the database 58
- 14.2 Defining the function keys 58
- 14.3 CSV options 58
- 14.4 Preferences 59
- 14.4.1 Separators in date and time fields 59
- 14.4.2 Wild-cards 59
- 14.4.3 Option switches 59
- 14.4.4 Save indices (Default: Manual) 60
- 14.4.5 Start editing at 60
- 14.4.6 Application for ImpulseII data-merging 60
- 14.4.7 Save choices 60
- 14.5 Colours of key fields and table-linked fields 61
- 14.6 Config files 61
- 14.6.1 Pathnames for External file objects 62
- 14.7 The Messages file 62
- Appendix A − Powerbase as an Impulse server 63
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- Appendix B − Keystroke equivalents 65
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- Index 66
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